How To Install and Configure Nginx RTMP Module?

Are you ready to take your live streaming capabilities to the next level? In this tutorial, we’re going to explore the Nginx RTMP module and how it can enhance your live streaming setup. So get ready to dive in and discover the power of Nginx RTMP together!. Before we dive into the installation and configuration details of the Nginx RTMP module, let’s take a moment to understand what exactly Nginx RTMP module and server are all about.

What is Nginx RTMP?

Nginx RTMP module is an awesome extension for the Nginx web server that allows you to stream live video and audio content over the internet. It’s like having your own supercharged streaming server! Whether you’re streaming live events, gaming sessions, or hosting video conferences, the Nginx RTMP module has got you covered.

Now, let’s get down to business and learn how to set up Nginx with the RTMP module. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it may sound.

What is Nginx RTMP Server?

Nginx RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol) server is a powerful tool that allows you to create your own streaming server to broadcast live media content.

Think of Nginx RTMP server as the backbone of your live streaming infrastructure. It acts as a middleman between your streaming source (such as a camera or encoder) and the viewers who are watching your stream. It receives the streaming data and distributes it to the connected viewers in real-time.

The RTMP protocol, which stands for Real-Time Messaging Protocol, is the technology used by Nginx RTMP server to handle the live streaming process. It ensures efficient and reliable transmission of audio and video data over the internet, making it ideal for live streaming applications.

With Nginx RTMP server, you have the flexibility to set up and configure your streaming server according to your specific needs. You can control the quality of your stream, manage the number of viewers, and even add security measures to protect your content. Now, let’s get down to business and learn how to set up Nginx with the RTMP module. Don’t worry, it’s not as complicated as it may sound.

Installing Nginx RTMP Module

Before we dive into the installation process, let’s make sure you have everything you need. To install the Nginx RTMP module, you’ll need:

  • A compatible operating system (such as Linux, macOS, or Windows)
  • Nginx web server already installed
  • Basic knowledge of the command-line interface

Download the Nginx RTMP Module

First, let’s ensure that you have the necessary version of Nginx to support the RTMP module. Open your terminal or command prompt and execute the following command:

nginx -v

This command will display the version of Nginx installed on your system. Ensure that the version is compatible with the RTMP module. The RTMP module typically requires Nginx version 1.9.0 or higher.


Next, you need to obtain the RTMP module. The RTMP module is not bundled with the default Nginx installation, so you’ll need to download and add it separately. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Visit the Nginx RTMP module GitHub page.
  2. Click on the green “Code” button and select “Download ZIP” to download the module.
  3. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a temporary location.

Configure Nginx with the RTMP Module

Now that you have the RTMP module, it’s time to configure Nginx to include it. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where Nginx source files are located. Typically, it is the /etc/nginx/ directory.
  2. Find the Nginx configuration file called nginx.conf. Open it in a text editor.
  3. Inside the http block, add the following lines to include the RTMP module:
load_module modules/;

Make sure to provide the correct path to the file within the load_module directive. The path should reflect the location where you extracted the RTMP module.

Verify the Configuration and Restart Nginx To ensure that the RTMP module is properly configured, perform a syntax check on the Nginx configuration file. Open your terminal or command prompt and execute the following command:

nginx -t

If the syntax check passes without any errors, proceed to restart Nginx to apply the changes. Use the following command:

sudo service nginx restart

This command will restart the Nginx service, incorporating the RTMP module into the configuration.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the RTMP module in Nginx. Now you can use Nginx as an RTMP server for live streaming applications.

Recording and Playback with Nginx RTMP Module

Recording and playback are essential features of the Nginx RTMP module that allow you to capture and play back streams. Additionally, implementing adaptive bitrate streaming enhances the viewing experience for users with varying network conditions. Let’s explore how to configure these features.

Recording with Nginx RTMP Module

In your Nginx configuration file, within the appropriate application block, add the record directive to enable recording. For example:

application myapp {
record all; # Enable recording for all streams
record_path /path/to/recordings;
record_unique on;

The record all directive records all incoming streams. You can customize the recording path (record_path) and choose to generate unique filenames (record_unique) for each recording.

Recording Individual Streams

To record specific streams, you can use the record directive within a specific location block. For example:

location /record {
record all; # Record streams within this location
record_path /path/to/recordings;
record_unique on;

Streams that match the URL pattern /record will be recorded.

Recording Formats

By default, Nginx RTMP module records in the FLV format. You can specify the recording format using the record_format directive. For example:

record_format mp4; # Record in MP4 format

Playback with Nginx RTMP Module

To play back recorded streams, construct the playback URL using the server IP address or domain and the application name. For example:


Video Player

You can use various video players compatible with RTMP streams, such as VLC media player, JW Player, or Flowplayer, to play back the recorded streams. Simply provide the playback URL in the appropriate player configuration.

Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR) with Nginx RTMP Module

Implementing ABR involves creating multiple renditions of the same video at different bitrates. Nginx RTMP module supports ABR by using the variant directive. For example:

application myapp {
variant different_qualities {
play /path/to/high_quality/stream;
play /path/to/medium_quality/stream;
play /path/to/low_quality/stream;


This configures the server to provide multiple quality options for playback.

Player Support

To take advantage of ABR, ensure that the video player supports adaptive streaming. Popular players like JW Player and Flowplayer have built-in support for adaptive bitrate playback.

Dynamic Bitrate Adjustment

Nginx RTMP module dynamically adjusts the bitrate based on the viewer’s network conditions. This ensures smooth playback by switching to a suitable quality level in real-time.

By configuring recording, playback, and adaptive bitrate streaming with the Nginx RTMP module, you can create a comprehensive streaming solution that caters to both live streaming and on-demand playback needs. Experiment with different configurations and player settings to optimize the streaming experience for your users.

Configuration Options

When it comes to configuring the Nginx RTMP module, you have a range of options available to customize and optimize your streaming server. Let’s explore some of the key configuration options you can leverage:

Global Directives

    • rtmp_auto_push: Enables or disables automatic pushing of streams to other RTMP servers.
    • rtmp_auto_push_reconnect: Sets the interval for automatic reconnection when pushing streams.
    • rtmp_max_streams: Specifies the maximum number of concurrent streams allowed.

RTMP Server Block Directives

    • listen: Specifies the IP address and port for the RTMP server to listen on.
    • application: Defines an RTMP application and its associated settings.
    • timeout: Sets the timeout values for RTMP connections.

Application Block Directives

    • live: Configures options related to live streaming, such as buffer sizes, interleave settings, and synchronization.
    • record: Enables or disables recording of incoming streams and sets recording options.
    • exec: Allows execution of external processes or scripts based on events like stream start or stop.
    • push: Enables pushing of streams to other RTMP servers.
    • pull: Enables pulling of streams from other RTMP servers.
    • deny_publish: Denies publishing of streams for specific clients.
    • allow_publish: Allows publishing of streams for specific clients.
    • deny_play: Denies playback of streams for specific clients.
    • allow_play: Allows playback of streams for specific clients.

Access Control Directives

    • deny: Blocks access to specific IP addresses or ranges.
    • allow: Grants access to specific IP addresses or ranges.
    • on_publish: Executes specified actions or authentication mechanisms when a stream is published.
    • on_play: Executes specified actions or authentication mechanisms when a stream is played.

Recording and Playback Directives

    • record: Configures recording of streams and sets the storage location and format.
    • play: Defines playback options for recorded streams.

Statistics and Monitoring Directives

    • stat: Enables the generation of statistical data for the RTMP server.
    • stat.xsl: Specifies the XSLT stylesheet file for rendering the statistics page.

Remember to save and reload the Nginx configuration after making any changes for the modifications to take effect. It’s also a good practice to check the Nginx error logs for any potential issues or warnings related to the RTMP module configuration.

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