Nginx GeoIP Module

Nginx GeoIP module is a powerful feature that allows you to leverage geolocation data in your Nginx configuration. By integrating the GeoIP module, you can enhance your Nginx server with geolocation-based functionalities. This article will provide a complete guide on Nginx GeoIP, from installation to troubleshooting, allowing you to take full advantage of geolocation capabilities in your Nginx setup.

Understanding GeoIP and Geolocation

Before diving into the specifics of Nginx GeoIP module, let’s first understand the concept of GeoIP and geolocation. GeoIP refers to the technique of determining the geographic location of an IP address. Geolocation, on the other hand, refers to the process of identifying and mapping the physical location of an Internet-connected device based on its IP address.

Nginx Geoip Benefits

Integrating GeoIP functionality into Nginx offers a wide range of benefits for your web server and applications. Let’s explore some key advantages:

  1. With Nginx GeoIP, you can restrict access to your website or certain resources based on geolocation. This helps you enforce country-specific restrictions, block unwanted traffic from specific regions, or provide region-specific content.
  2. By utilizing GeoIP data, you can customize the responses and content delivered by your Nginx server. For example, you can redirect users to localized versions of your website or display region-specific content based on the user’s location.
  3. Nginx GeoIP allows you to log geolocation data for each request, enabling you to gain insights into your user base and analyze traffic patterns from different regions. This information can be valuable for marketing, targeting specific regions, or optimizing your services based on user demographics.
  4. GeoIP data can be used to optimize load balancing strategies in Nginx. By considering the location of users, you can distribute traffic across backend servers based on proximity or regional capacity, improving response times and overall performance.
  5. With Nginx GeoIP, you can implement geolocation-based security measures. For instance, you can block suspicious traffic from specific countries known for malicious activities or create IP blacklists based on geolocation data.

Now that we understand the benefits of using GeoIP in Nginx, let’s move on to the necessary prerequisites for configuring Nginx GeoIP.

Prerequisites for Nginx GeoIP Configuration

Before you can start using Nginx GeoIP module, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Make sure you have Nginx installed and configured on your server. If not, refer to the article for instructions on installation.
  2. Obtain the GeoIP database, which contains the mapping of IP addresses to geolocation data. There are both free and commercial GeoIP databases available, and you can choose the one that suits your needs.
  3. Ensure that your Nginx installation includes the GeoIP module. You can check this by running the nginx -V command and looking for the --with-http_geoip_module flag in the output.

Once you have met these prerequisites, you are ready to proceed with installing and enabling the GeoIP module in Nginx.

Installing and Enabling the Nginx GeoIP Module

To install and enable the GeoIP module in Nginx, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install GeoIP Dependencies

Before compiling Nginx with the GeoIP module, ensure that the necessary dependencies are installed on your system.

This includes the development packages for GeoIP C library.

On Ubuntu, you can install them by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install libgeoip-dev

On other distributions, refer to their respective package managers to install the required dependencies.


Step 2: Download the GeoIP Database

Obtain the GeoIP database file that corresponds to your chosen GeoIP provider.

You can either use a free GeoIP database or a commercial one depending on your requirements.

Download the database file and store it in a location accessible by Nginx.

Step 3: Configure Nginx with the GeoIP Module

Next, you need to configure Nginx with the GeoIP module.

Locate the Nginx configuration file, typically named nginx.conf, and open it in a text editor.

Step 4: Enable the GeoIP Module

In the http context of the Nginx configuration file, add the following line to enable the GeoIP module:

geoip_country /path/to/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat;

Replace /path/to/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat with the actual path to the GeoIP database file you downloaded in the previous step.


Save the changes to the Nginx configuration file and exit the text editor.

Step 5: Test the Configuration

Before restarting Nginx, it is recommended to test the configuration for any syntax errors.

Run the following command:

nginx -t

If the test is successful, you will see a message indicating that the configuration is valid. Otherwise, review the error message and correct any syntax mistakes in the configuration file.


Step 6: Restart Nginx

Finally, restart Nginx to apply the changes and enable the GeoIP module:

sudo service nginx restart

Nginx is now configured with the GeoIP module, and you can start utilizing GeoIP variables in your Nginx configuration to enhance your web server’s functionality based on geolocation data.


Configuring Nginx GeoIP Database

Once the GeoIP module is enabled in Nginx, you need to configure the GeoIP database to map IP addresses to geolocation data. Follow these steps to configure the GeoIP database:

As mentioned earlier, you can choose either a free or commercial GeoIP database. Download the appropriate database file for your chosen provider.

  • Open your Nginx configuration file in a text editor.
  • Within the http context, add the following lines to specify the GeoIP database file:
geoip_country /path/to/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat;
geoip_city /path/to/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat;

Replace /path/to/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat with the path to the GeoIP database file you downloaded. If you have a separate city database, specify its path as well.

  • Save the changes to the configuration file and restart Nginx for the new GeoIP database configuration to take effect:
sudo service nginx restart

Utilizing GeoIP Variables in Nginx Configuration

Now that you have configured the GeoIP database in Nginx, you can start utilizing GeoIP variables in your Nginx configuration to enhance the functionality of your web server based on geolocation data.

Here are some examples of how you can use GeoIP variables:

Restricting Access Based on Geolocation

You can restrict access to certain parts of your website or specific resources based on the visitor’s geolocation. For example, let’s say you want to block access to a directory called /private for visitors from a particular country.

In your Nginx configuration, you can add the following:

location /private {
if ($geoip_country_code = "XX") {
return 403;
# Rest of the configuration for the /private directory

Replace “XX” with the appropriate two-letter country code you want to block.

Customizing Responses Based on Geolocation

You can customize the responses or content served by Nginx based on the visitor’s geolocation. For example, you may want to redirect users to localized versions of your website.

Here’s an example of how you can achieve this:

location / {
if ($geoip_country_code = "US") {
return 302$request_uri;
return 302$request_uri;

This configuration checks the visitor’s country code and redirects them accordingly.

Logging Geolocation Data in Nginx

You can log geolocation data for each request to gain insights into your user base and analyze traffic patterns. To log the visitor’s country and city information, add the following to your Nginx log format:

log_format combined_geoip '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$geoip_country_name" "$geoip_city"';
access_log /path/to/access.log combined_geoip;

This configuration captures the visitor’s country name and city name and logs them along with the standard access log information.

These examples demonstrate how you can utilize GeoIP variables in your Nginx configuration to make decisions based on the visitor’s geolocation. Feel free to explore more possibilities and adapt them to your specific use cases.

Restricting Access Based on Geolocation

One of the powerful features of Nginx GeoIP is the ability to restrict access to your website or certain resources based on geolocation. This can be useful when you want to enforce country-specific restrictions or block unwanted traffic from specific regions.

Here’s how you can achieve this:

location /restricted {
if ($geoip_country_code != "US") {
return 403;
# Configuration for restricted area

In the above example, the /restricted location is accessible only to visitors from the United States. If a visitor’s IP address is not associated with the US according to the GeoIP database, Nginx will return a 403 Forbidden error.

Customizing Responses Based on Geolocation

Another powerful use case of Nginx GeoIP is customizing responses and content based on the visitor’s geolocation. This allows you to provide personalized experiences and tailor your content to specific regions.

Here’s an example:


location / {
if ($geoip_country_code = "DE") {
return 302$request_uri;

if ($geoip_country_code = "FR") {
return 302$request_uri;

# Default response for other countries
return 302$request_uri;

In the above configuration, if the visitor’s country is identified as Germany (DE), they will be redirected to$request_uri, which could be a localized version of your website. Similarly, visitors from France (FR) will be redirected to$request_uri. For visitors from other countries, the default response will be$request_uri.

Nginx GeoIP Load Balancing

GeoIP data can also be used to optimize load balancing strategies in Nginx. By considering the location of the users, you can distribute traffic across backend servers based on proximity or regional capacity, improving response times and overall performance.

Here’s an example of how you can configure GeoIP-based load balancing:


http {
upstream backend {
zone backend_servers 64k;
geoip $remote_addr country_code $geoip_country_code;


server {
listen 80;

location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;

In this configuration, the geoip directive is used to set the $geoip_country_code variable based on the visitor’s IP address. The least_conn directive is used for load balancing to distribute traffic evenly among the backend servers. Nginx will consider the visitor’s country code and direct the request to the appropriate backend server.

Nginx GeoIP Redirects and Content Localization

With Nginx GeoIP, you can implement redirects and content localization based on the visitor’s geolocation. This is useful when you want to redirect users to specific versions of your website or serve region-specific content.

Here’s an example:


http {
server {
listen 80;

location / {
if ($geoip_country_code = "DE") {
return 302$request_uri;
if ($geoip_country_code = "FR") {
return 302$request_uri;

return 302$request_uri;

server {
listen 443 ssl;

# Configuration for the German version of the website


server {
listen 443 ssl;

# Configuration for the French version of the website


In the above configuration, the first server block listens on port 80 and handles requests for Inside the location / block, conditional statements are used to check the visitor’s country code. If the country code is DE (Germany), the visitor is redirected to$request_uri. Similarly, if the country code is FR (France), the visitor is redirected to$request_uri. For visitors from other countries, a generic redirect to$request_uri is performed.

Additional server blocks are included for and, where you can configure the respective versions of the website for the specific countries.

Nginx GeoIP Blocking and Blacklisting

Nginx GeoIP can also be used to implement blocking and blacklisting based on geolocation. This is helpful when you want to restrict access from certain countries or block malicious traffic originating from specific regions.

Here’s an example:

http {
geoip_country /path/to/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat;

server {
listen 80;

location / {
if ($geoip_country_code = “RU”) {
return 403;
# Other configurations

In the above configuration, the geoip_country directive is used to specify the path to the GeoIP database file. Inside the server block for, the location / block contains a conditional statement. If the visitor’s country code is RU (Russia), a 403 Forbidden response is returned, effectively blocking access for visitors from Russia.

You can extend this approach to include multiple country codes or create more advanced blocking rules based on your specific requirements.

Nginx GeoIP Fine Tuning

To optimize the performance of GeoIP lookups in Nginx, you can implement caching mechanisms and fine-tune the GeoIP module settings.

Here are some tips to consider:

Enable GeoIP Caching

Nginx allows you to cache GeoIP lookups to minimize the number of database queries.

Use the geoip_proxy and geoip_proxy_recursive directives to enable caching.


http {
geoip_proxy_recursive on;


Adjust the IP address and recursion settings based on your setup.

Set GeoIP Memory Usage

By default, Nginx allocates a certain amount of memory for GeoIP data.

You can adjust the memory usage based on the size of your GeoIP database using the geoip_memory directive.

http {
geoip_memory 64m;

Set the appropriate memory size based on your database size and available resources.

Regularly Update the GeoIP Database

Keep your GeoIP database up to date to ensure accurate geolocation data.

Regularly check for updates from your GeoIP provider and replace the database file accordingly.

By implementing caching, optimizing memory usage, and keeping the GeoIP database updated, you can improve the performance and accuracy of GeoIP lookups in Nginx.



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