What is Nginx HTTP Echo Module?

Nginx HTTP Echo Module is an extension module for the Nginx web server that provides additional functionality for generating custom HTTP responses. It allows you to respond to HTTP requests with custom messages, headers, cookies, and status codes, making it a powerful tool for various web development and testing scenarios.

With the Nginx HTTP Echo Module, you can easily create endpoints that return specific responses for debugging, testing, or building custom functionality. This module enhances the flexibility of Nginx by enabling you to generate dynamic content directly from the server configuration, without the need for additional server-side scripting.

In this tutorial, we will explore the Nginx HTTP Echo Module, its installation, configuration, and provide insightful examples to illustrate its practical usage.

Installing Nginx HTTP Echo Module

Before we dive into the functionalities of the Nginx HTTP Echo Module, let’s first ensure we have it installed on our server. Follow the steps below to install the module:

  • Start by checking if Nginx is already installed on your system. Open a terminal and type:
nginx -v
  • If Nginx is not installed, you can install it using the package manager specific to your operating system.
  • Once Nginx is installed, we can proceed to install the Nginx HTTP Echo Module. Depending on your system, you can either compile Nginx from source with the module or use a package manager like apt or yum to install a pre-built package that includes the module.
  • To install the module using a package manager, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install nginx-extras
  • After the installation is complete, verify that the module is installed by checking the list of installed modules:
nginx -V

Configuring the Nginx HTTP Echo Module

Now that we have the Nginx HTTP Echo Module installed, let’s explore how to configure it. Locate your Nginx configuration file (usually located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf) and open it in a text editor.

To enable the Nginx HTTP Echo Module, add the following configuration within the http context:

http {
# Other configuration directives

echo_location_async_sleep_time 2;

server {
# Server configuration

location /echo {
echo_duplicate yes;
echo_flush yes;

# Additional configuration directives specific to the location

# Additional server blocks or configuration directives

# Additional http configuration directives

In the above example code, we’ve added the necessary configuration within the http context. The echo_location_async_sleep_time directive sets the sleep time in seconds for the asynchronous output. The server block defines the server configuration, and within it, the location block specifies the URL path where the echo module will respond.

Exploring the Nginx HTTP Echo Module Features

With the module configured, let’s delve into its powerful features and explore how it can be used in various scenarios.

Responding with Custom Messages

One of the primary use cases of the Nginx HTTP Echo Module is to respond with custom messages. This can be useful for debugging, testing, or creating custom endpoints for specific purposes. Here’s an example configuration that responds with a custom message when accessing the /hello URL:

location /hello {
echo "Welcome to our website!";

whenever a request is made to /hello, Nginx will respond with the message “Welcome to our website!“.

Modifying HTTP Headers

Another powerful feature of the Nginx HTTP Echo Module is the ability to modify HTTP headers in the response. This can be useful for adding, removing, or modifying headers based on specific requirements. Consider the following example, where we modify the X-Custom-Header to have a value of MyCustomValue:


location /api {
echo_location_async_sleep_time 1;
echo_duplicate yes;

add_header X-Custom-Header "MyCustomValue";


When a request is made to /api, Nginx will include the X-Custom-Header with the value MyCustomValue in the response headers.

Setting Custom HTTP Status Codes

The Nginx HTTP Echo Module allows us to set custom HTTP status codes in the response. This can be beneficial when creating specialized API endpoints or handling specific error conditions. Consider the following example:

location /maintenance {
echo_status 503;
echo "The website is currently under maintenance.";

In this example, whenever a request is made to /maintenance, Nginx will respond with a 503 status code along with the message “The website is currently under maintenance.

Handling Cookies

The Nginx HTTP Echo Module also provides the capability to handle cookies in the response. This allows you to set and modify cookies based on specific requirements. Consider the following example:

location /login {
echo_cookie JSESSIONID=abcdef1234567890;
echo "Logged in successfully!";

In this example, when a request is made to /login, Nginx will set a cookie named JSESSIONID with the value abcdef1234567890 in the response headers. This can be useful for managing user sessions and maintaining state in web applications.

Responding with Example Code

To enhance your understanding of the Nginx HTTP Echo Module, let’s provide an example code snippet that demonstrates its usage in a practical scenario:


server {
listen 80;
server_name example.com;

location /api/v1/users {
echo_status 200;


In above configuration, when a request is made to /api/v1/users, Nginx will respond with the request body as the message and a 200 status code.


The Nginx HTTP Echo Module offers a versatile set of features that allow you to customize and control your HTTP responses effectively. By responding with custom messages, modifying headers, handling cookies, and setting custom status codes, you can shape the behavior of your web server to meet specific requirements. Armed with this knowledge, you can now leverage the power of the Nginx HTTP Echo Module to enhance your web application’s capabilities and improve your development and testing workflows.

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